Farm 2018-2021. Ségur-le-Château, France
The farm that we ran in Ségur-le-Château, Corrèze region of central France, was a test space for growing organic fruits and vegetables, documented through art on the periphery of permaculture. Using the land as its own map, creating food from seed, digging the dirt and utilizing a land-share economic structure, we ran the farm for 3 years, exploring the process and possibilities of returning to the rural, providing sustenance for ourselves and others. With ample awareness of previous utopian failures, and minimal technical experience, we embarked upon the project in a spirit of scientific experimentation, treating all variables affecting this framework as the work. Some of of our findings throughout this experiment in agriculture: water system failures and repairs take up many days; hundreds of radishes grown before practice of succession planting implemented; immigration and nationality issues impacting planting, caring, harvesting schedules; family responsibilities and teaching job requirements impeding “traditional” farming schedule; farm store site for Idea Seeding Activation project with community discussion on ruralism, conceptual organics and permaculture processes begun; bees and honey; chicken soil-preparation workers - “chicken caravan”; donkey mowers and escape; heating issues; Saint de Glace (Ice Saint); death, life, rebirth; rules of organic farming; relationship with David at the Épicerie and his view on vegetable prices; raspberries and raspberry jam.